数组非常适合存储相关数据,并且通常用作组织信息的一种方式。 我们中的大多数人每天都在使用它们,但是您知道 JavaScript 中还内置了一些非常简洁的数组方法吗?
这些方法使我们的生活变得更加轻松,将多行代码优化为一个简单的命令。 无论您是刚开始使用数组还是已经感觉自己是专家,本文都将帮助您在使用它们时变得更有效率。
filter()如果您想根据特定条件过滤数组,您可能需要 filter() 方法。 这是一个有用的函数,它将返回一个包含您感兴趣的所有项目的新数组。
它需要一个函数作为参数,它将为数组中的每个元素调用。 如果函数返回 true,则该元素将保留在数组中; 否则,它将从数组中删除。
我们已从后端请求数据,并希望根据对象数组具有的属性进行客户端过滤。 在这种情况下,我们已从 JokeAPI 请求笑话,并希望过滤类别属性等于 Programming 的笑话。
const response = { "error": false, "amount": 4, "jokes": [ { "category": "Programming", "type": "single", "joke": "Judge: \"I sentence you to the maximum punishment...\"\nMe (thinking): \"Please be death, please be death...\"\nJudge: \"Learn Java!\"\nMe: \"Damn.\"", "id": 45, "safe": true, "lang": "en" }, { "category": "Christmas", "type": "twopart", "setup": "How will Christmas dinner be different after Brexit?", "delivery": "No Brussels!", "id": 251, "safe": false, "lang": "en" }, { "category": "Christmas", "type": "twopart", "setup": "What do Santa"s little helpers learn at school?", "delivery": "The elf-abet!\n", "id": 248, "safe": true, "lang": "en" }, { "category": "Christmas", "type": "twopart", "setup": "Why couldn"t the skeleton go to the Christmas party?", "delivery": "Because he had no body to go with!", "id": 252, "safe": true, "lang": "en" } ]}const programmingJokes = response.jokes.filter((joke) => joke.category === "Programming");console.log("programmingJokes: ", programmingJokes);
programmingJokes: [ { "category": "Programming", "type": "single", "joke": "Judge: \"I sentence you to the maximum punishment...\"\nMe (thinking): \"Please be death, please be death...\"\nJudge: \"Learn Java!\"\nMe: \"Damn.\"", "id": 45, "safe": true, "lang": "en" },]map()
map() 方法转换数组中的每一项,对其应用一个函数并将结果存储在一个新数组中,而不实际更改初始数组。
我们已从后端请求数据,并希望从该数据中提取信息。 在这种情况下,我们从 RandomDataAPI 请求随机用户数据,并希望将每个人的年龄提取到一个数组中。
const response = [ { "id": 7433, "uid": "4c2c1731-2c3c-4983-b39f-0f988791e98f", "password": "L903JpXGAj", "first_name": "Dalene", "last_name": "Kuhn", "username": "dalene.kuhn", "email": "dalene.kuhn@email.com", "avatar": "https://robohash.org/autmagnisunt.png?size=300x300&set=set1", "gender": "Agender", "phone_number": "+964 771-857-9446 x77784", "social_insurance_number": "607847845", "age": 25, }, { "id": 3764, "uid": "0c1c9485-2b90-4e68-a795-0e4925aa8344", "password": "XjyI92Y1dl", "first_name": "Laurence", "last_name": "Lowe", "username": "laurence.lowe", "email": "laurence.lowe@email.com", "avatar": "https://robohash.org/quinonomnis.png?size=300x300&set=set1", "gender": "Agender", "phone_number": "+689 743-128-5476 x530", "social_insurance_number": "737935460", "age": 30, }, { "id": 9408, "uid": "4933cb5d-f4f5-4bc3-8d37-f4c9b3129923", "password": "JrI8e4KVjs", "first_name": "Gabriella", "last_name": "Tillman", "username": "gabriella.tillman", "email": "gabriella.tillman@email.com", "avatar": "https://robohash.org/repellatmaioresmolestiae.png?size=300x300&set=set1", "gender": "Bigender", "phone_number": "+675 552-834-4168 x39534", "age": 21, }]const arrayOfAges = response.map(person person.age);console.log("arrayOfAges: ", arrayOfAges)
arrayOfAges: [25, 30, 21]reduce()
reduce() 方法通过对每个元素应用一个函数并累积结果,将数组缩减为单个值。 这是查找总数或查找所有项目平均值的好方法。
const depositsArray = [{ id: 1231, deposit: 5, currency: "$",},{ id: 1231, deposit: 10, currency: "$",},{ id: 1231, deposit: 20, currency: "$",},{ id: 1231, deposit: 5, currency: "$",},{ id: 1231, deposit: 15, currency: "$",},]; const sumOfDeposits = depositsArray.reduce((total, transaction) => total + transaction.deposit, 0); console.log("depositsArray: ", depositsArray);console.log("sumOfDeposits: ", sumOfDeposits);
depositsArray: [{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}]sumOfDeposits: 55some()
some() 方法检查数组中的至少一个元素是否满足由提供的函数实现的测试。 如果它确实满足测试,它将返回true; 否则,它将返回 false。
const response = [ { id: 101, firstName: "Muhammad", lastName: "Ovi", age: 25, isBot: false, }, { id: 102, firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, isBot: true, }, { id: 103, firstName: "Chris", lastName: "Smith", age: 27, isBot: false, },];const isNotValidUsers = response.some((user) => user.isBot === false);console.log("isNotValidUsers: ", isNotValidUsers)
isNotValidUsers: trueevery()
every() 方法检查数组中的每个元素是否满足由提供的函数实现的测试。 如果是,它将返回 true; 否则,它将返回 false
const response = [ { "id": 1, "title": "iPhone 9", "price": 549, "discountPercentage": 12.96, "rating": 4.69, "stock": 94 }, { "id": 2, "title": "Apple Watch", "price": 300, "discountPercentage": 10, "rating": 4.40, "stock": 20 }, { "id": 3, "title": "Apple Headphones", "price": 600, "discountPercentage": 7, "rating": 4.65, "stock": 2 },]const hasStock = response.every((item) => item.stock > 0);console.log("hasStock: ", hasStock);
hasStock: true结论
数组是任何编程语言中最基本和最重要的数据结构之一。 在学习 JavaScript 时,了解如何使用这些数组方法更有效地操作和存储数据会很有帮助。 这些方法包括 filter()、map()、reduce()、some() 和 every(),它们可以帮助您提高代码效率。